Energy toward building the future
Energy toward building the future
Energy toward building the future, Forget worrying about the past is a one of one custom Hoodie from the WFM Collection.
You ever find yourself dwelling in the past? I think we all can relate at times, we stop and ask ourselves, “why does the past have so much thought and weight at times?” But at a certain point we must ask, whether you wanted to do things better, or put more effort in at the time, why are you allowing the past to hinder you from not building the future? There’s more future ahead than there is past. The past has a certain kind of comfort and familiarity that we cling to, but by breaking away from that stagnant comfort to create the road ahead, it invites room for a renewal. a resurgence in living. When we can learn from our past and accept it for what it is. We realize the present is the greatest most beautiful gift and the future shall be filled with abundance.
When starting to make pieces of art that can be worn, I looked to my past and saw I had no academic experience to be confident in toward “Art.” I dropped out of college my 2 year in. I attempted to go to art school and couldn’t afford it. So I just began this artistic journey with an interest and a passion to begin painting and designing. Now looking back on it , if I allowed my past to define me I wouldn’t have created this brand to empower others around the world. This piece is for putting Energy toward building the future, Forget worrying about the past. Move Onward!
Show your dedication toward building your future with this piece!
Each piece is hand painted and made.
Size S - XL but remember no size all vibes.